Your most frequently asked questions

The countries you move to are different but the fears are often the same. To provide you with the answers you need, we have gathered together the most frequently asked questions from our customers around. We are also at your disposal for any other questions.

How much does health insurance cost for Dubai?

Dubai boasts a state-of-the-art medical health sector, has 52 public and private hospitals, a capacity of 6,400 beds and more than 50,000 health workers. It is estimated that almost 100% of the population has even minimal medical insurance cover.

There are various forms of coverage, ranging from the EBP Essential Benefit Plan that guarantees the minimum amount of care under the law to more comprehensive coverage even for the family.

This is why it is important, before taking out a policy, to do your due diligence and consult an expert in the field.

Why take out a private international health insurance policy?

If you are an expatriate or a person with a temporary assignment abroad, you may no longer be covered by your home country’s healthcare system and will probably have to make contributions to the local healthcare system. However, it is possible that the local system may not reimburse you for healthcare expenses to the same extent as you were used to or may not provide the same level of coverage when you return home for short periods. The cost of healthcare varies significantly from one country to another and can be far higher than in your home country.

With an international health insurance policy you also have the advantage of a private clinic or the benefit of being able to have surgical or other treatment when you return home, again at your choice.

If you only enrol in the local health system of the country you expatriate to, reimbursements may be limited or not provided at all and you would not be covered when travelling or returning home on holiday. This is why having private international health cover is recommended.

What should I do before leaving?

To leave in the best conditions, we recommend that you undergo a complete check-up before your departure. Vaccination booster and dental check-ups are a priority, but it is also a good idea to undergo a complete check-up and obtain a medical certificate for sports activities (diving, for example). Remember to leave your contact details and your health insurance policy number with a friend or family member, along with your address and a number where you can be reached. And don’t forget to get in touch with your insurance broker who can help you understand the degree or level of cover you need.

How much does international health cover cost?

The cost of international health insurance depends on several factors: length of stay abroad, health system of the destination country, health status of the policyholder at the time of departure, age, special cover desired and also where you reside or will reside.

Our plans offer two areas of coverage:
1 – worldwide
2 – worldwide excluding the US (in the US you will be covered for emergencies for up to 42 days per trip, but you will not be able to schedule surgeries or anything else).

Excluding cover in the US will save you significant costs. You have the option to exclude countries such as Canada, Hong Kong and other more expensive countries for treatment. Premiums will adjust according to the coverage areas chosen.

Besides the United States, the most popular countries and destinations for expatriates also have the most expensive healthcare services. We refer to countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai… places of special attention by internationals because of the economic vibrancy and business opportunities present in these long-term travel, relocation and expatriate destinations.

Why is international health insurance better than health cover in the destination country?

Some foreign countries offer a local insurance plan available only to their own citizens. After a certain period of stay, however, it is possible to apply for the local health insurance plan offered by the government. This type of plan would only cover medical expenses in that country but will not cover costs in other countries. Once you become an expatriate, the aforementioned local insurance will not be valid in your home country.

International health insurance offers more protection and allows you to travel with peace of mind.

In which countries can I receive treatment?

You can receive treatment in any country within your area of coverage.

However, if the treatment you require is available in the country in which you reside but you decide to seek treatment in another country within your area of cover, you may be reimbursed for medical expenses based on the terms of your policy.

What is a coverage area?

It is the geographical area in which your coverage is valid. Various geographical coverage area options are available.

For example, if your coverage area is ‘Africa’, your coverage will be valid everywhere in Africa. On the other hand, if your coverage area is ‘Worldwide’, this means that your cover will be valid worldwide.

What can I do if I require treatment outside of my geographical area of cover?

This treatment will not be covered unless you are outside of your area of cover on an exceptional basis and it is an emergency, such as an accident or sudden onset of a serious medical condition. If the client has to go outside their area of cover to have an operation, this will not be covered.

To be covered, medical treatment must be provided by a general practitioner or specialist. Routine treatment, maternity, pregnancy or childbirth related expenses are not covered.

Does my policy cover pre-existing conditions?

Pre-existing conditions may be included subject to the insurance company’s assessment when the policy is issued.

What treatments are covered under dental and orthodontic benefits?

If dental benefits are part of your cover, you will be able to claim for eligible expenses.

Various dental treatments may be included:

  • dental treatment
  • prescribed dental medication
  • dental surgery
  • periodontal treatment
  • orthodontics
  • dental prostheses
  • out-patient emergency dental treatment

Aesthetic veneers and procedures related to their application are not covered unless there is a medical necessity.

What optical services are available to me?

The costs cover the purchase of contact lenses and spectacles necessary for vision correction and one routine eye examination per insurance year at an ophthalmologist, optometrist or ophthalmologist. Pre-approval is not required to use this service, but you will have to present your prescription together with the invoice when you apply for reimbursement of expenses.

When does medical evacuation take place?

Medical evacuation is used if the necessary treatment for which you are covered is not available locally, or during an emergency if adequately tested compatible blood is not available.

In these cases you will be evacuated to the nearest appropriate medical centre by ambulance, plane or helicopter. The evacuation must be requested by your doctor and will be handled as economically as possible, with full respect for your health.

What is medical repatriation?

It is the benefit that allows you, in an emergency, to be repatriated to your home country in order to receive the necessary treatment for which you have cover. Repatriation is only possible if your home country is within your geographical area of cover.